Thursday, August 27, 2009


Today I am grateful for:

*going all yesterday evening and last night without any stomach problems
*being able to work 3 days this week
*possibly the best pizza my sister ever made

I'm getting tired of shedding, though getting more disciplined about not pulling it out by handfuls. Tomorrow morning I think I'll get out the clippers. Honestly, I'm not sure that I have the guts to promise a picture of bald Margaret. We shall see.


  1. It took my mom about 6 months before she let people see bald Donna. No pressure.


  2. Isn't it interesting the way men can show a bald head and we women think it is sexy; but on ourselves we hide it. We need a rethink on this ya'll. More and more of us suffer with b/o cancer. Baldness IS NOT A STIGMA, it is a badge of fighting courage. Show our beautiful faces and a pair of killer earrings! That's all, I'll climb down now.

  3. Preach it Pamela! Although not all of us guys look good bald. I, for one, found out in college that I seem to have a rather pointy and misshapen head without any hair. Of course that's probably not the only thing that I have that's misshapen.........although that's another story. :)

  4. I think a bald Margaret would be absolutely beautiful. Your heart and soul have always been one of the most beautiful souls I have ever known. Nothing will ever change that.

    I just found out that you were sick last night talking to Lyndsay about how she was defending herself from the flood. I sent you a card this morning via snail mail, but then I found this blog on Allison's facebook page -- so this message may repeat what you get in writing, but my heart is with you.

    I stood on Main Street this morning and said a prayer underneath your picture. You are the fiercest competitor I know. I know you will when this fight.

  5. I'm impressed you were able to work this week! Way to go! And I'm glad you found some alone time - everyone needs a little of that.

    much love,

  6. All of the above. So cute, if I wait a while everyone else says what I want to say. That doesn't keep me from making words, anyway, though.

    peace love joy hope

