Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bummer #372

If one were to be so brazenly polarizing as to classify days as "good" or "bad"/rough/tough/challenging/other sugar-coated euphemisms for bad, today would easily fall on the "good" side of the fence.  I went hiking, had a picnic with friends, cooked a large meal, and was able to blame its bland-ness on my lack of tastebuds instead of my personal culinary skill. 

And yet, in the middle of the day, just before I was going to get on my bike and ride to said picnic, I called the PET scan place to ask a few questions about the test I'm having tomorrow.  The woman was helpful and kind, and then said, "And you know not to perform any strenuous activity for 24 hours before the scan, right?"  No one had informed me of this, no, and I glance at the clock, relieved that my hike was completed before the 24 hour mark, and that I still had a grand total of 3 minutes to perform as strenuously as I wanted before I needed to stop. 

Me: "So, I shouldn't do something like go on a bike ride right now?" [Maybe I should have included the word "leisurely."  Maybe that would have helped.]
Her: "No, if you're scan is tomorrow, definitely not.  You don't want to get your muscles working and then have a false positive." 
Me: "Bummer." 

It's not a huge deal, driving what would have been a perfect-length bike ride for my Getting Buff Again Without Being Stupid About It Plan, but it's just one more in a long series of little - and sometimes large - bummers resulting from this whole cancer thing.  

Tomorrow's the big PET scan day, but I won't get it interpreted until next Wednesday.  Bummer #371 is that I can't eat all morning tomorrow.  No Egg And Toast.  No granola and milk.  Not even a mint.  I will pack a big lunch for afterwards.