Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Decisions decisions . . .

It was a good news kind of doctor's visit this afternoon.  We all breathed a sigh of relief that my AFP was 7.  The reading of 22 was either a lab error or some stubborn cancer cells finally throwing in the towel, popping and releasing a bunch of that protein all at once.  My PET scan was basically clear except what is probably a little bit of over-active fat some distance away from where Grazelda lived, which will be confirmed by a CT scan at some point in the future.  And I got other little bits of good news, too: I am now officially allowed to floss, have blood drawn from my left arm, and play ultimate frisbee. 

Now what?  Well, now I get to choose whether I want one more cycle of chemo (=one 5-day week + 2 Bonus Bleo days) or that I'm done and watch my AFP count closely.  I've been thinking/talking/writing about it all afternoon and evening, and don't feel much closer to a decision.  Ugh.

So I'm experiencing a mixture of happy that bubbles up and says "Hey - I used to have cancer.  And now I don't.  Life is great!" and a slight headache from too much thinking in circles about chemo choices.

But.  I get to go to Missouri and see my family for Thanksgiving next week, and I'm working tomorrow and there will certainly be some sort of partying this weekend.


  1. I didn't want to tell you too much about lab errors, but they are a fact of life. Paul is/was a lab guy and I have two lab techs as neighbors. They almost NEVER rely on just one or two lab tests to get an accurate reading on anything. BUT Whew!! Such an answer to my/our prayers. Praise God/docs/chemo nurses/and yes even drugs!

  2. YEAH!! What wonderful news!! and what a roller coaster ride. We hope that the highs and lows will start to level out now. We are all celebrating with you here in Kansas.

  3. Oh, Margaret, this time I'm very happy there was a lab mistake ... better this kind where you thought things were worse than they are, than the other kind where you might think things are great & then find out they're not

    Now I feel comfortable quoting one of your other friends by saying "Grazelda doesn't know who she's messing with"
