Saturday, November 21, 2009

Quitting Chemo - and Cancer

I got a call yesterday from my doctor's office scheduling my next appointment: January 20!  I might not go into the office for two months!  In the meantime, I'll get my blood tested and a CT scan.  I'll have some phone conversations, and can call or go in if I have questions or concerns.  And I get to talk to Shirley every week about the thickness of my blood.  I don't usually believe in more than one exclamation point per paragraph.  But I'm done with chemotherapy!!  And that is cause to celebrate with excessive punctuation!!!

Yes, I won't have the five days of yuck, and my hair will start growing back.  I can go back to work, and stop using antibacterial soap unless I just replaced a toilet or something really nasty.  But quitting chemo is not simply a happy occasion.  I worry about having made the right decision, about every little twinge, burp, or upset stomach - is that Grazelda?  Or is it Grazelda's mutant, back for the fight stronger than before?  It sounds like some terrible made-for-TV alien movie sequel. 

In the meantime, I have places to bike, people to see, books to read, music to dance to, and furnaces to start up.  "Sitting out" for a few months can give a person quite the ToDo list, and I have barely started on mine.  That is to say, I may be too busy to worry much.  

I won't say good-bye yet.  I want at least one more blood test before I'll be convinced that Grazelda has been entirely annihilated, and I will definitely be sad to lose you all as such a wonderful audience for my rambling thoughts.  But for now I'll hope for medical boring-ness and try to post weekly.  Emails are always welcome [pennermk AT gmail DOT com] if you find yourself needing a higher dose - I'll do my best to reply quickly.

Oh yeah, and for old times' sake . . .
Chemotherapy Side Effect #92: Ridged fingernails.
I feel a little bit like a tree, but instead of rings counting years, I have ridges on my nails counting chemotherapy cycles.  They'll grow out with my fingernails, but meanwhile I have a reminder, in case I forget. 


  1. Bye-bye, Grazela. We're happy to lose you but not your host :)

  2. I am personally looking forward to your next blog...Adventures in Home Repair...Sage Saguaro Statements...The Daily Awesomeness...

    Your Sister

  3. Yeah, I'm with AP.
    We'll keep reading.

  4. M--- Please, please keep blogging about your life, interests, etc. I will NOT miss the G girl at all, but I would very much miss reading your prose. You are so witty. I know, a somewhat oldfashioned word, but it describes how you can take something small, like, oh, ridged fingernails, and make me see, feel and then chuckle about them. At some point you can even rename your blog page :-)

  5. Today, we're thankful for good chemo.
    SVS & RVS

  6. I hearby ceremoniously remove this bookmark from my quick links :)
