Sunday, November 1, 2009

Two things I really really really really like

1) Contra Dancing. 

We did go contra dancing last night.  And despite the smaller-than-usual crowd, it was a great time.  The music was good, and everyone was in a goofier-than-normal mood in their Halloween attire.  I only sat one out and got to dance with a lot of people I enjoy. 

We sort of  dressed up for the evening.  Miriam dressed up as me . . .

That's the dress I always wear dancing, as it has the best twirling action I've ever experienced.  You can't see it, but she has my nametag/necklace on, too.  The braids are a relic of Margaret past (and probably future). 

I was going to do something Star Wars-esque with the bald head, but in working on a back-up plan, I fell in love with a new style of headwrap that I happened upon, so this was my costume of sorts.  This one involves a few straightpins though, so it's not too great for everyday wear.  The bald head idea will have to wait for next weekend. 

2) My Bicycle
I pumped up my front tire today (which was keeping me from riding before) and got on my bike, for the first time since mid-July.  It felt so good riding down the street, crouched over my handlebars with the wind in my helmet that I may have cried just a couple tears of sheer physical joy.

I proceeded to bike straight over to the bike co-op to work on getting it really fixed (I had a cracked rim in July, which makes it a little unsafe), and spent a frustrating and mostly fruitless afternoon looking for bearing parts to make the used wheel I found interface with my bicycle.  So currently my bike is in a less ride-able state than this afternoon, having only one wheel that is complete.  Bummer. 

On the up-side . . . I came home with grease all over my hands and had to use Fast Orange to become domestically functional again.  In my non-cancerous life I do home repair work and most days end up somewhere on the grimier end of dirty, needing to clean up, but I haven't had that chance since mid-July either.  So the Fast Orange felt pretty good, too. 


  1. It looks like you dressed up as one of our ancestors.

    Your Sister

  2. I agree with your sis that your hair-do looks rather ancestral ... can't wait to see pics of the bald costume though.
