Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cheese, Grommit?

I made cheese yesterday.

Ta Dah!  It's tasty too!

This is something I've been wanting to do for a long time and haven't gotten around to, or been successful at the one time I tried.  There's not much to it - milk and vinegar, plus salt and herbs to taste, but it took having Miriam (general food guru and semi-experienced cheese-maker) here to give me the courage to try it again.

I don't know what cheese has to do with cancer, but man is it satisfying! 

This week's irritation is a very minor pain -  muscle tightness? - in my mid-section.  The irritating part isn't that it hurts: it doesn't hurt unless I poke it right or move in the wrong way.  Six months ago I would have thought, "Oh, I must have strained some ab muscle pulling that cooler up on the roof!"  Now I wonder if it's from battling constipation, I worry that it's a sign of some bizarre infection, or maybe it's my other ovary going bonkers.  I even called my chemo nurses to see if they had any explanations or thought it needed to be checked out (watch it, don't worry).
That's what sucks about cancer (how often have I used this phrase?) - the nights I spend in fitful sleep, worrying if I have an infection or if the sore throat that won't go away is a sign of some larger nastiness.  Some days the worrying is much worse than the discomfort.  

But I don't spend a whole lot of time worrying - there's too much else to do.  I'm hoping to get in a contra dance tonight, in costume, if it comes together right.  And then there will be pictures.


  1. Yes, there must be pictures ... the pictures make the blog. Your apartment looks nice!

  2. "...Blessed are the cheesemakers, for they shall..."
